Hiring Reimagined: Going Beyond Experience

The shift in hiring practices over the past year is remarkable. Where previously we sought out candidates with potential for growth and adaptability, the trend now leans towards demanding extensive, specific experience, often to an unrealistic degree.

In my view, this approach is short-sighted. Focusing solely on candidates who meet a stringent set of criteria can limit a team's creativity and dynamism. Bringing in someone who's been immersed in a particular way of working—especially from a different company—can inadvertently introduce rigid practices and limit innovation.

There's immense value in hiring individuals who demonstrate the ability to learn and adapt. These candidates often bring fresh perspectives and a willingness to experiment, which is crucial for fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. They might lack certain specific experiences, but their fresh approach can lead to more effective problem-solving and a healthier work environment, free from the 'baggage' of established norms.

It's about finding a balance: valuing experience but also recognizing the potential in those who are eager to grow and contribute in new ways. After all, the joy and learning that come from figuring things out and improving processes are invaluable to any organization.